Specials and Contests


Check this page often! This will be where we will list specials we are currently running as well contests we may have on Facebook or other social media sites.

Join our mailing list for specials and to learn more about returning customer and referral programs. Just type your email address  into our contact section of our homepage.

Day one of our new website! Plenty of ways to save big!

If you visit our new website today only (July 25th 2019), you have the chance to save over 40% on your next session!

5% off your next session-Just visit our Guestbook. Write a comment to receive 10% off!

5% off your next session- Like our Facebook fan page, write a comment, and get another 10% off.

5% off your next session- Like us on Instagram! ( All social media buttons are on our home page)

5% off your next session- Follow us on Pinterest and re-pin one of our images.

20% off your next session- If you book a session today, receive an extra 20% off your entire order!

*40% off only applied to VIP package. Only for new customers or sessions that are not already booked.

Expires on July 25th 2019